This project has been on my to-do list for a few years and I’m very happy to finally get started on it.
The client (my wife) requested storage for her makeup and hair supplies with a mirror.
We took some measurements in the room and came up with around 18″ to 20″ wide and 40″ long. Google told me the standard height of the top should be about 30″. So with all this information on my clip board I started designing the vanity on sketch up. I made use of the Golden ratio to help decide most proportions in the design.
The next step was to choose the stock for each part. I took measurements from the model and went searching in my lumber storage. I found 3 boards of 4/4 walnut that worked perfectly for the top and drawer fronts. A few pieces of birch plywood for the sides and back. Some spalted birch for the trim and face frame. 2 pieces of dunnage I had salvaged in 3″x6″x32″ blanks for the legs.

Once the stock was selected I milled and glued up the top. Parallel bar clamps and cauls help keep everything as flat as I can.I cut the whole panel square and to length after the glue up.

Next I cut the tenons on the face frame parts

To be continued.
WOW…. That’s gone a bit a pretty nice vanity. I’m anxious to see the final product.
Very nice project